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What Makes a Good PBL Environment?
Successful Project-Based Learning (PBL) requires an environment that is both interdisciplinary and heterogeneous. Throughout my project there are resources and guides for best practices using PBL, but even more important is an arguments and call for creating the ideal environment. While implementing PBL over the course of two school years, my experience has shown me that these two ingredients are necessary. At the same time, the research and examples provided throughout these web pages give voice to this call, that PBL environments should be heterogeneous and interdisciplinary.
Successful Project-Based Learning (PBL) requires an environment that is both interdisciplinary and heterogeneous. Throughout my project there are resources and guides for best practices using PBL, but even more important is an arguments and call for creating the ideal environment. While implementing PBL over the course of two school years, my experience has shown me that these two ingredients are necessary. At the same time, the research and examples provided throughout these web pages give voice to this call, that PBL environments should be heterogeneous and interdisciplinary.