“Reading is not a natural brain activity. We learn to read” (Seyfer, 2019). English Language learners have the constant academic challenge of trying to catch up to their peers. “The term English Language Learner (ELL) indicates a person who is in the process of acquiring the English language and whose first language is not English” (nea.org). “When students can’t read, they have trouble learning; the great majority of students who fail to master reading by 3rd grade either drop out or finish high school with dismal lifetime earning potentials” (Pimentel, 2018). My research led me to figuring out what question was most important for my English Language Learners. Reading and the lexile connection became my focus. Which led me to my Driving Question. Once I had my Driving Question I was able to create three questions I wanted to answer through my research. My Driving Question: What strategies can English Language Learners use to help become closer to the grade level reading proficiency standard? Research Questions:
Research Paper docs.google.com/document/d/1EaF56h5gNEpNFL5YTUhx2o9jN0d84lyoqgr6RmuXGfo/edit IRB Proposal docs.google.com/document/d/1Bn0GPRR21wyMi43u_1c1GdxZGv-KLafVWeXE7CkNIdk/edit Literature review docs.google.com/document/d/1oThrgFNio2FLn3ob9ygEIzlCQ-gfpIjHBASVRXm1K0Y/edit Executive Summary docs.google.com/document/d/17PVKsXBxQNjnITufy6DlneiTApBNf6mzo1_-7AnVNas/edit
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