Background and Need
National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) results show fourth grade 2015 average scores for California students is significantly lower than the National scores, 59% of students scored at Basic and only 28% scored at proficient in reading. In addition, according to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) results show 56% of students tested have not met the reading standards (California Department of Education, 2016). Teaching practices might use 21st century tools and the Common Core State Standards to ensure students are prepared for the 21st century high-tech jobs of tomorrow. The district involved in this study had set goals to make all students college and career ready and provide equitable access in order to close the achievement gap. Additionally, the district had set a goal to instill 21st century skills in all of its students. If they are to accomplish this goal they must increase technology in the classrooms. Students must experience the environment they will enter as 21st Century workers. The online component of the curriculum used in the classrooms may develop the higher order thinking skills, effective communication skills, and knowledge of technology that students will need in the 21st Century. This study could identify opportunities for continued technology use if an online component proves improvement in overall active participation and student engagement resulting in higher test scores. Lack of motivation during SSR has surfaced the need for this study. Since the beginning of the school year many students have experienced difficulty writing a summary of what they read in their journal. The teacher noticed lack of engagement with their book and the activity as a whole. Students often made negative comments when they were instructed to get their library book out for SSR . During math, however, use of technology kept the engagement high leading the teacher/researcher to inquire how technology could be used during SSR, helping to engage students successfully in order for them to demonstrate comprehension/engagement with writing prompts. Click below to read my research paper in its entirety
Literature Review
Action Research Poster presented in fulfillment of my Master's Degree![]() click here to enlarge.