Below is just a start of the lesson plans that I will be accumulating on this page that showcase innovative learning and the use of Web 2.0 tools. As I continue to collect data in my search for engaging ways to teach high school math students, this site will be updated.
The link on the left is to a google doc, that isn't a single lesson plan per se, but rather an overall introduction and explanation into how I manage my block schedule stations, and utilize students' devices to increase engagement in my classroom. Included are some of the nuts and bolts of how to run stations, and many of the apps, games, and curriculum that I use.
By clicking on the link to the left, you will be directed to a lesson that I created with one of my cohort members during the process of getting my master's degree. At the time, we were exploring flipped classrooms. This particular lesson was about graphing scatterplots and estimating their lines of best fit.