How can lower elementary school teachers use technology to help students with comprehension?Has anyone ever told you that technology is for upper grades? Well I'm here to tell you that lower elementary students are capable of using technology to better understand text. Here you will learn about multiple tools, specifically VoiceThread and Flipgrid.
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Connecting Technology and ComprehensionVacaville Unified School District has been pushing technology for the last couple of years. Two years ago all schools received Chromebooks for each student (1:1 devices). The district has also been pushing for technology training. Each school now has a "Technology Specialist" to help with training staff and troubleshooting. At the school, there is plenty of access to technology. Within the classroom there are document cameras, Epson projectors, Smartboard Software, and 1:1 devices for the students.
The principal of the school also sends some of the staff to CUE (Computer Using Educators) conferences. This helps teachers see more uses of the technology that are currently at the site. The students are not always interested in the stories that are required by the district to read within the curriculum, and sometimes (especially the nonfiction) the students have trouble retelling the important details of the stories. I realized students love using the computers, and hypothesized that by combining the story and digital storytelling, there might be more of an interest in the learning. The problem is that students in the school where this study took place were not interested in the stories that the curriculum had to offer. They were not paying attention to the details of the story. Most students, however, have expressed their enjoyment of working with computers. |