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What inspired this project?Background and NeedAt Sierra Vista K-8, students have 1:1 Chromebooks that they can use within the classroom. All grade levels are using Chromebooks and each student has their own Google email address. There are no rules to what students should be using the Chromebooks for. Vacaville has a technology department that will help teach students how to use Google technology.
Students in this new generation are lacking the ability to pay attention for long periods of time. Students need constant motivation and stimulation in order to learn. One way students are engaged is with the use of technology. The students also struggle with reading books that are part of the curriculum because they are not motivated by them. The challenges that have arised so far are that teachers are not using the technology that is given to them, or they are not sure how to use it. There are trainings that teachers can go to, but it would be on their own time. Teachers need the time and access to different sites that can be useful. Once in awhile there will be a training during staff meetings where teachers will learn about new resources. In second grade, reading is the star of the show. Teaching not only how to read, but adding in the component of “do you understand what you are reading” as well. Giving students the opportunity to choose their own books at their level by using the program Accelerated Reader (AR), is helpful in getting students to read at their own level and enjoy books. Then they are able to take an AR quiz on the story to show if they comprehended it. When it comes to the stories within the curriculum, the students are easily distracted or uninterested and will have trouble passing their AR comprehension test. Now the challenge is to get students to interact with the text and use digital tools to help them not only comprehend the text, but enjoy it as well.
Click here to read more about my journey in my blog.