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Digital Storytelling Marries ComprehensionComprehension is a huge focus in second grade. First grade focuses on how to read where in second grade there is a focus on what to do once you start reading. Students start to learn how to comprehend. When they are trying to understand text they need to do it a way that is interesting and exciting for them. The old ways are exactly that, the OLD ways. Now it is time to introduce 21st century learning into my classroom. My research focused on how to use digital storytelling tools to help with comprehension.
Background and Need, Rationale, etc.
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), reading scores had not changed in fourth grade in 2015 compared to the 2013 scores. Scores for 8th grade students, however, were two points lower in 2015 compared to 2013 scores (NAEP, 2017). The 2017 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) English Language Arts results show that 43.90% of third graders met or exceeded the standard. This percentage is higher compared to the 38% of third graders who met or exceeded the standard in 2015. The overall percentage for grades 3rd-11th also increased from 44% in 2015 to 48% in 2017. But decreased from 49% to 48.56% from 2016 to 2017 (California Department of Education, 2017). This shows that there is a need for quality instruction in English Language Arts.
Linda Darling-Hammond wrote that United states ranks above the international average in reading than in math and science based on Program in International Reading and Literacy Studies (PIRLS) assessment (2010). She also writes that there has been a battle on whether teachers should focus on reading comprehension or emphasize on phonics. She concludes that good teachers would use multiple strategies to support both comprehension and phonics because it would meet the needs of all students. One way to do this is for teachers to implement technology throughout their lessons to see if it helps improve reading comprehension. According to Louis Serino (2017), the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) shows that scores from the United States, compared to other countries, have been relatively flat from 2000 to 2015. The scores are showing little to no growth .These scores are based on three disciplines: reading, math, and science. These tests measure how students can solve real world problems. This agrees with Linda Darling-Hammond’s findings as well. Both researchers finding indicate a need for improved literacy instruction. Read the rest of my research below. Research PaperLiterature Review
Video- Summary of ResearchSecondary ResearchDuring my second round of research I wanted to try another website similar to VoiceThread. With VoiceThread I had to create two accounts in order for my students to create their presentations. Since my students did not have their own email access they could not sign up themselves for VoiceThread. So for my second round of research I wanted to try a website that gave them more freedom. I tried Flipgrid. I was able to have two different classes use the program since I switch with my teaching partner. The students were excited to use Flipgrid. Below is a graph showing the differences in reading comprehension scores and their answers to their self assessment survey.
Even though the students pretest and posttest data does not show a significant difference, students were begging to do Flipgrid again. On their self assessments I had students write comments such as “I love it!”, “I think Flipgrid is awesome!”, and “I liked it because it helps me retell the story.” One thing that I did notice during the self assessment is that students would like me to figure out a way that they can do this in groups or with a partner. So next time I think I would have students create a “script” together then record their own Flipgrid on the story.