The NGSS call for an almost exclusively authentic assessment based instructional model. The standards fall in line with Webb's higher levels of DOK and ask students to do authentic tasks such as:
build models
Plan and carry out an investigation
Construct Explanations & Design Solutions
Engage in arguments using evidence
Gather, read, and synthesize information
The nature of these standards require a shift away from test based assessment. The standards do not require students to recall, remember, or recite, which are skills most commonly used on paper based exams.
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts ask students to engage in authentic tasks with a high level of Depth of Knowledge. This is especially true in the writing and Reading&Listening portions. Students are asked to engage in many authentic tasks. Some examples include:
Evaluate a speaker's point of view
Make strategic use of digital media
Integrate and evaluate information
Conduct research investigations
Gather and analyze evidence
Engaging in authentic assessments will allow students to access these standards and will also help prepare students for the Performance Task portion of the CSASPP which is an example of an authentic assessment.