Next StepsIt is my hope that my research finds its way to other educators, and plays a role in influencing more teachers to incorporate authentic assessment in their classroom. My study was fairly small and it would benefit the educational community for it to be picked up on a larger scale. It would also be beneficial for it to be repeated in other contexts. Further research questions could be build around different subject matters, populations, and grade levels. On a larger scale, I hope more instruction around authentic assessment finds its way into teacher preparation programs.
There were a lot of people that supported me along this journey. I'd like to thank the program and instructors at Touro for providing an innovative program that fell in line with my ideals around education. I'm also grateful for the flexibility that was offered to me in terms of my timeline in conjunction with my maternity leave. Lastly, I am so thankful for my cooperating teacher who allowed me to use her class as a vessel for my research! |
Thank NL here....link to their site.