What are the Effects of a Blended Learning Approach on Student Math Engagement?
The teacher-centered classroom model doesn't make sense in today's classroom. Today's students are submerged in the digital world. The use of technology during instruction enables students to take ownership of their own learning. This project explored the use of a blended learning approach in class to support student mastery of mathematics. Blended Learning has several models that engage students face-to-face with the teacher and on-line. This use of technology to enhance student learning helped ensure that students were actively ENGAGED in their educational experiences.(Follow this link to learn more about blended learning models.)
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What Role Should Technology Play in the Classroom?Napa Valley Unified School District is a student- centered, 21st century school district. Technology rich classrooms in the Napa Valley Unified School District are steadily working towards aiding the district in reaching its three goals by preparing all students for college and career, providing equitable access and opportunities in order to close the achievement gap, and instilling 21st century skills in students. Teachers should become proficient in the use of technology in order to guide students in the safe use of technology through the use of Common Sense Media's digital lessons.
Video- Fourth grade Blended Learning in ninety seconds: Learn how flipped lessons can engage your students.