Model Drawing: Engaging students for word problem success!
Click on the book to learn more about Model Drawing.
Model Drawing represents number relationships pictorially. It's a powerful strategy that bridges the gap between the concrete and the abstract and makes the solution to each problem crystal clear.
The four books below can help you implement Model Drawing into you math classroom. The Why and How book was enlightening. I used the Step-by-Step Model Drawing at the beginning of the year for about a month. By October, my students were working model drawing problems in pairs or independently, using the Word Problems for Model Drawing Practice book. I copy two pages, reducing the page to 65%, which gives them four problems on a page. Each week the page is glued into their math journals and the students are responsible for working one problem each day for four days.
Each student in my class has this Step-by-Step sheet glued in the front of their math journals for quick reference when working on a model drawing problem.
This video shows examples of how to use model drawing with each type of operation. The Step-by-Step Model Drawing book will also take you through the various operations and types of math problems.