Relevant Teaching Through CBL
Home TPACK & More Design Process Inspiration
TPACK & MoreIt just makes sense...The synthesis of Pedagogy, Content Knowledge and Technology is the way all instruction and learning should be constructed. Our project, Immigration Challenge Project, was a great fit with the TPACK model.
The Content Knowledge that was driving the project was immigration. The Pedagogy was contained in all the standards we addressed in this project, for both English Language Arts and US History. The Technology we used was the vehicle for most of the output. What we used for technology: Students all have Chromebooks. They are using Google Apps; Website creators like Weebly and Google Sites; Screencasting programs like Screencastify, Jing, Screencast-o-matic; Video programs like Wevideo, You Tube Editor, IMovies; Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Students displayed such confidence and pride in their work. They were motivated to learn and interested in sharing their work with a larger audience. In most cases, because of their use of technology, their audience became the world. |
Click here for a Voice Thread describing the 4 C's.. I feel they are just as important as academic and technological instruction.
The SAMR Model for Technology Integration is a process of gauging the students' and teachers' progress and acceptance of technology integration in the classroom. I believe that my students achieved the "Redefinition" level during our Challenge-Based Project on Immigration. The students succeeded in using technology for the purpose of presenting the information they learned through intense research and evaluation of that research. Their level of understanding and collaboration allowed them to create some amazing products.