4th Grade Bloggers! Julie Meyer-Houston Home Learn More Standards Inspiration About the Author |
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) - How and Why to ImplementIn school, set aside 20-minutes of time during an ELA rotation/center, after morning recess, or after lunch to help build a student's love of reading. It could happen anywhere where there are no other distractions. During this time, students should self-select books, magazines, audiobooks, etc. to motivate and engage student reading. After that time, offer students the opportunity to share about their reading experience. This sharing can happen in the form of writing/blogging, and/or oral discussions through various formats such as one-to-one partnering, small group book club, or to the class. During this project, immediately after reading, students blogged vis-a-vis Edmodo their reflections and responses about what they had just read.
Read below to learn why it is important to implement . . . This is a literacy-based lesson plan that uses technology for bloggingClick on the document below to see details of a lesson plan that delineates the use of technology knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, assessment knowledge, and content knowledge to hit that "sweet spot" of TPACK. In a nutshell, TPACK is about using technology to optimize learning for students in different contexts. In this lesson plan, technology was used so students would blog about what they read in the instructional format of reflections and responses. It was used with 4th-grade students; however, it could be used for different grade levels if adapted according to those grade level ELA standards..
Additional Resources for Lesson Planning