College and Career Ready & 21st Century Learning
As we think about 21st Century Learning and the 6 Cs, I like to think about these as the "soft" skills. How can we prepare students to work with others in a respectful, productive manner? Our world has changed significantly in the last decade, and we as teachers have the great responsibility of preparing our students to exist in it. These "soft" skills need to be unpacked just like we do with do with the
CCSS/CASS. In NVUSD we have the 6Cs on our report card, and with that comes a bigger discussion of how we might grade these skills. During an Elementary Grading Summit in 2016-17 we began with Collaboration and Critical Thinking and developed rubrics. I have include the links to those below, aswe think about what our students actually have to do, this give that detail
CCSS/CASS. In NVUSD we have the 6Cs on our report card, and with that comes a bigger discussion of how we might grade these skills. During an Elementary Grading Summit in 2016-17 we began with Collaboration and Critical Thinking and developed rubrics. I have include the links to those below, aswe think about what our students actually have to do, this give that detail