Common Core State Standards and the California State Standards An Interconnected Journey
The ELA Standards take an integrated and interconnected approach to literacy development. Each domain of the CCSS, including Reading Foundational Skills, does not stand alone to be taught in isolation. In my capstone I focused on the reading and speaking and listening skills. In my research with Second grade students I worked with the Reading Literature and Reading Information Domains, in addition to the Speaking and Listening standards.
In NVUSD we developed a great resource we use often called "Standard on a Page". In the below link you will find by grade-level (K-5) standards on a page for ELA and Math. I have included a screen shot of the standards I used, it is a great resource to print and have handy as you plan for student to work with and access complex text.
ELA Standards Paired by Domains
Reading Literature/Reading Informational/Speaking and Listening