My colleagues were instrumental in the logo design process. Analysis of well known logos echoed what I learned from Bobbe Baggio and Ruth Clark: less is more. White Space Is Not Your Enemy also had useful insight on font stylings. My final logo came as a happy accident. I was toying with different versions of two clasped hands after my peers let me know that my first sets of hands looked like gang signs. (No joke!) Using Creative Commons, I stumbled upon the image of two old-fashioned hands pointing at one another. I spent some time experimenting with the image and a few words, and asked the group for feedback. The response was unanimous: use the old fashioned hands! What really resonated with me is that many colleagues commented that "It just looks like you," and "It's got your personality." I know that sounds like we were shopping for a puppy, but the very personal feedback I received got me motivated to modify the two hands into my final logo.