The First Grade Peer Feedback RevolutionRethinking the model
Peer feedback changed my classroom dramatically. It can do the same for yours. I personally needed for my students to gain independence with their learning. I needed for them to stop calling me over every single time they had a problem or a question. I needed my students to see their peers as partners in their learning. Since there is only one of me and 24 of them I thought that if I taught them how to give constructive feedback to one another that I would be arming them with the ability to make improvements to their work. Growth Mindset The first step in effective feedback training is teaching your students to have a growth mindset. There are great books listed on my references page that you can read to your classes. There are also some great videos like the T.A.G video and the Austin's butterfly video I recommend showing your class depending on their level. Having a growth mindset is more than just reading a book to the class though. Every time a student makes a mistake you need to praise them for trying and encourage them to keep making mistakes until they get it right. Students are likely to take feedback personally if they are not taught that mistakes are the way that we learn and grow. My Journey On the About the Author page you will learn a bit about me and my journey. You will also see how TPACK has influenced my teaching journey as well as what motivated me to choose this topic for my capstone project. On my Lessons page you can see how I taught my students the art of peer feedback. The How To section has tools that I found really helpful for me and my students. My research page covers all of my research about active listening. This journey began by trying to improve active listening skills in my 1st grade students and later on this capstone was designed around how to make them want to listen by using peer feedback. The standards I addressed were almost all of the Common Core State Standards in reading, writing and math standards including some listening and speaking standards. The ISTE standards were also addressed as well. If you would like to look at the ISTE standards there is a special page allocated to them. |