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Getting Started with Peer TeachingPeer teaching is something you have to set up beforehand, and then incorporate into your content area.
If you'd like to try out peer teaching in your educational context here is the 10 step outline:
Seesaw Spanish Adapted Math Lessons on Place Value:These math activities are targeted towards the dual immersion 2nd grade classroom and are based off of Unit 2 of the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum. Mathematics standards covered in these lessons are:
Seesaw Spanish Math Reps:
Math reps or repetitions are a powerful way to increase students' confidence in math and growth in number sense. By implementing a short math activity each day that has a repeating structure but changed numbers, students quickly become familiar with what to do and can focus their energies on applying patterns to new number scenarios. You might try developing a weekly pattern where each day of the week, students work a different math repetition. Soon students will be able to tackle it on their own without needing explanation from the teacher while the teacher can simply focus more time on having a number conversation after the class finishes the exercise.