Design ProcessMy Learning Community
Technical: The Learners in this study were 3rd grade general education student with the age range of 9-10 years old. Some students live at home with both parents, some live in between two parents homes or living with other relatives. 90% of students are on free or reduced lunch. 55% of the class are English Language Learners. Majority of them first language is Spanish. The majority of the students that attend this class do not have very much academic support at home from their families. Either parents are working or the concepts are to difficult for them to help their students.
Informational: Students are also familiar with gamification and competition within the classroom through different online tools. Included were Quizlet Kahoot, and Quizizz. Students are also able to use video streaming services like Netflix and and YouTube. Class Dojo as a class management tool as well as, using their Mojo videos about growth mindset From thought to ActionWhen this journey started a little over a year ago I could have chosen from a long list of traditional academic needs in my classroom but I my inner Psych major told me this was a much deeper issues. My students were battling a fixed mindset. Many of my students are faced with daily disappointment brought on by others in their life and were afraid to take risks in the classroom. It only makes sense that with repeated exposure to disappointment/ failure that they would want to bring more onto themselves. So in the classroom I was faced with a lack grit and perseverance that I just could not break through with reteaching and differentiation. How could I expect my students to learn when they didn’t even believe that they could. I need to change my approach. I needed to start at the root of the problem my students thoughts.
Poof!! I was off and running on creating a classroom full of growth mindset students. The wheels were turning and it was off the the drawing board. I had to start with little steps at a time so I did not get overwhelmed, but just like every idea you are passionate about your ides continue to grow.
LogoI wanted to my logo to be simple and straight to the point. I was thinking of going with an image of a tree growing into a brain but that has been done more times then I can count. I wait to bring my idea of growth mindset a little more digital and that is when it hit me. A CLOUD. What stores all of our information? The Cloud. The cloud is our storage place just like our brain. Here is the progression of my logo created with Canva.