The Battle Isn't IntelligenceIt is time to switch from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Imagine you are an 8 year old who is facing a difficult home life which makes it impossible to focus on learning. When you walk in to your classroom you feel as though you don't belong. Everyone just seems to "get it" but you. You try your best but it never seems to be enough and you just give it up you have a fixed mindset. You don't see the point in keep trying and then the learning stops.
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The Battle is our MindsetEveryday teachers are faced with classrooms filled with students who are struggling to see the beauty in their failures. As a society we focus on winning or getting the correct answer, but we never talk about the journey it takes to become victorious. In order, to become victorious we need to celebrate all the times we failed until it clicks. I can not count how many times I've heard in my classroom "I just can't do it" or "it's to hard". We are failing our students on a monumental level by not providing them the tools they need to preserve through challenging situations.
In order to foster a growth mindset in our students, teachers have to take the necessary time to build a community of growth mindset within the classroom. Before students are even able to tackle the task of learning, the child needs for feel confident in themselves that they can accomplish the task they have been given. It is critical that teachers build their classroom around changing our students fixed mindset into growth mindsets! |