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Simple K12: http://tlc.simplek12.com
This is one of my favorite website resources. You can sign up to receive free webinars or you can join to have access to all webinars and Simple k12 resourses. The webinars are excellent. Each one is approximately one half hour. I have done an entire Saturday of Google tools webinars and iPad webinars. Check it out.
This is one of my favorite website resources. You can sign up to receive free webinars or you can join to have access to all webinars and Simple k12 resourses. The webinars are excellent. Each one is approximately one half hour. I have done an entire Saturday of Google tools webinars and iPad webinars. Check it out.
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything Website
Kathy is well known and respected leader in education technology. She speaks at many conferences, hosts public google hangouts, and is an open source for anyone. This website has a lot of "stuff" on it and not all of it is current, but you will find a lot you can use.
Kathy is well known and respected leader in education technology. She speaks at many conferences, hosts public google hangouts, and is an open source for anyone. This website has a lot of "stuff" on it and not all of it is current, but you will find a lot you can use.
Vocabulary Activities Article
Here is a link to an article about vocabulary activities for young children. I wanted to include it because it describes many vocabulary activities that teachers are using already that are currently directed by the teacher, but could be infused with technology and put in the hands of students. The vocabulary TPR lesson is a good example of a lesson that, with modification, could engage more students in practicing 21st century skills. /uploads/1/2/0/0/12000341/article_of_vocabulary_activities.pdf
Here is a link to an article about vocabulary activities for young children. I wanted to include it because it describes many vocabulary activities that teachers are using already that are currently directed by the teacher, but could be infused with technology and put in the hands of students. The vocabulary TPR lesson is a good example of a lesson that, with modification, could engage more students in practicing 21st century skills. /uploads/1/2/0/0/12000341/article_of_vocabulary_activities.pdf
Chain link image: www.lindseyinteractive.com