21st Century Learning and Workforce ReadinessReading Reflection on the 21st Century
What were the key ideas you noted from the C-Content speakers. Any synthesis thoughts on them as a whole? John Seely Brown discusses the difference between the 20th century and the 21st century. We are moving from a predictable society with equilibrium to a society that fluctuates and is in disequilibrium. These changes are new and rapid and have not been seen before. Because of this evolving society where things are always changing, the key to success in society will be teaching and affording curiosity. Kids are born curious and technology can be a “curiosity amplifier”. As educators we need to prepare for this change and teach our students the same thing. We need to rethink what we learn, how we learn and how media has changed the game. Howard Gardner discusses the importance of ethics in part of his presentation. He explains that the finding are disturbing in regards to students ethics in education today. Many students believe that while they hope to be ethical one day, the goal is success which is power, fame and money. Some young people feel that if they are ethical those who aren’t will get “to the top first”, so best to get there and be ethical later. As educators we need to be aware that the minds of these young people are different how we thought as students. We need to be aware of their minds, model good work, talk about it and call attention to negative examples, as well as have consequences for those actions, never assuming the negative examples are transparent. Ken Robinson discusses the concept of there being two kind of people. The people that go to their job everyday looking forward to the weekend because they endure instead of enjoy their work and then the people who love what they do and won’t stop because it makes them happy and they don’t see living any other way. Those people that love their work are the minority. Robinson believes that one of the reasons that so few follow that drive and interest is because of the educational system. “It dislocates people from their natural resources”. The system is always evolving, he suggests that is not enough and there needs to be a revolution, the system needs to be transformed. Humans interests and talents are diverse, we are different, and we work well when we are passionate and excited. What are your insights from this analysis? I related to to each one of the presentations. John Seely Brown spoke of curiosity, Howard Gardner of ethics and Ken Robinson of talent, passion and excitement. Each one of these components is important in coaching college baseball. Curiosity I believe leads to the passion and excitement Robinson refers to. Curiosity as a kid, wanting to know what it feels like to play baseball at a high level is what creates drive by the individuals that will then pursue baseball in high school and college. Following ethics is important in baseball because it determines how you are treated by coaches, teammates and other teams. Ethics refers to playing by the baseball rules as well as unwritten baseball rules that baseball players and all athletes of all different sports should know. For example in baseball if you are winning by a larger margin you know not to bunt or steal bases, or do the little things that could possibly get you one run. Knowing this and living by these standards are good for the players and the team. Passion and excitement like curiosity are what keeps athletes playing and pursuing the sport and pursuing their talents. As a coach having players that live by these standards, players continue to want to learn and are engaged. These are common threads in the perception of the speakers and myself. I believe they are an integral part of my baseball program and an important part of all of my players. As discussed by John Seely Brown and discussed in previous topics in regards to 21st century teaching and learning, these are important concepts to think about when there is so much change. As an instructional leader, how might you apply Mobley's 6 insights to help your students (or your colleagues) to think creatively? Mobley’s 6 insights, traditional teaching methodologies don’t work, one has to unlearn to become more creative, we become creative and can’t learn how to be creative, we have to spend time with others that are creative to be creative, we have to know ourselves and our biases and we need to give ourselves permission to be wrong. All of these insights are ways to be more creative. As a coach I need players to be creative as games are high stress and you never know what the next move will be and you have to be ready for everything, you have to be fast, and the split second decisions need to be good ones. Players need to be able to react for situations that they can’t practice for, they need to be self motivated during hard times, and high stress and they need to be able to motivate others. Players need to try new things and be creative in the way they hit or pitch. Reviewing how to be creative is a helpful tool that I can use for myself as a coach and teach my players. |