Recruiting is an essential part of a baseball team's success. Four year colleges look to Junior Colleges to find talented athletes as well as successful students. Finding students at a Junior college allows head coaches to make criteria for students that will support and enhance their program athletically and academically. If students are successful at the Junior College level it is likely that they will transition smoothly to the four year college level. To move from the junior college on students are recruited by coach recommendations and observation via video, email, phone calls or visits. This study was a descriptive mixed method design. The plan was to develop a survey and provide college coaches or recruiters with an opportunity to confirm how they use recruitment information by giving coaches a survey of multiple-choice, and one open ended question making the survey short but detailed. The study surveyed 10 to 20 college coaches, knowing that 20 provide better data. The participants were selected from a variety of types of colleges, including private and public, large and small, and two-year and four-year institutions. The researcher emailed the survey directly to the participants who have agreed in advance to participate in this study. The surveys were available in google mail for the researcher who will tabulated and analyzed the data. For full research paper click here! docs.google.com/document/d/1m8xpmLIBDQWlnepZ8mffTKawwc8T1nkf0LwlktCPUt4/edit?usp=sharing LITERATURE REVIEW TABLE:
In the Literature Review Table below are six of the resources I used for the research paper. They table is made up of the theme, the name of the author, the title and year of the resource and the key ideas. Books, articles online and from journals were reviewed before making this table. FIRST SEMESTER PRESENTATION:
The below presentation is about college baseball recruiting. Why it is important and what support players need. By watching this short video one can see how my capstone was born. PARKER POSTER 2017:
This poster includes some of the most important parts of the research from my driving question. Four-year college coaches were asked how they prefer to recruit. Was it email, phone or video. In the poster there is a short introduction to why the research was done, the materials and methods use, the results of the research, conclusions that were made, literature cited in the poster, acknowledgments to Touro University as well as how to contact me for further information. |