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Lessons![]() There are many ways to access Social Emotional Learning (SEL) within instruction. One great tool that can be a part of ANY lesson is called Flipped Learning. This tool turned the Bloom's Taxonomy pyramid on it's head, literally flipping when support is offered to the student. Traditionally, the direct instruction in class is devoted to remembering, and understanding, while applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating are left as solo endeavors at home. Flipped lessons rely on outside tech tools to provide the remembering and understanding levels to students at home, so time in class can be devoted to higher taxonomy levels.
This creates opportunity for the 21st Century Skills of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication, preparing our students for the real world. Our vision of what pedagogy works, has been misinformed from the factory-school model. Direct instruction is actually the least effective tool, the research shows that collaboration is the number of tool to promote learning. When students collaborate they are forced to engage in all of the 4 C's of the 21st Century Skill Set. Students have to be creative with their ideas, communicate and think critically, and finally work towards consensus building through the final collaboration. This mimics the 21st century workplace, and also prepares our students to be responsible citizens and decision-makers. Sample Flipped LessonGlimpse into the provided sample flipped lesson:
Class Name: Trauma-awareness Training Amount of time: 30 minute flipped review of material before session; 1.5 hours direction instruction during session. Topic: Trauma-awareness: Understanding ACE and implications for Trauma-informed care. Grade Level: Adult level professional training Content Standards: Due to the content this lesson is not built on CCSS. Instead the lesson addresses CASEL’s content standards on Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
LINK to Trauma-awareness Training Flipped Lesson |