Capstone Website Design ProcessThis is my Initial Analysis Prototype for this website. I originally had a focus on inquiry before focusing on technology. I knew that I wanted to main focuses. I ended up focusing on a Growth Mindset and Technology in the mathematics classroom. I wanted to make sure that I showed evidence of student growth for each category. This meant collecting multiple forms of data for each piece of the capstone. I included data for CCSS aligned math curriculum, technology feedback, and growth mindset surveys on my "Assessment" page. Another important piece for my capstone project was including all of the resources that supported my learning throughout this study. I knew this was going to be highly important for the educators that would eventually use this site.
Research Design ProcessThe SITE Model (Sociocultural, Informational, Technical, and Educational) intertwines connections between the learner and three sub-contexts: informational, sociocultural, and technical. One goal of the SITE Model is to have the designer understand the context of the learners in order to design products (or curriculum) that will enable the learner to successfully engage within that context in order to gain skills and knowledge that will help them accomplish their educational goals. I applied this model to my capstone through focusing on students using technology paired with a growth mindset in mathematics in order to increase student performance and motivation.
Sociocultural: This study took place in a fourth grade classroom at a Title 1 elementary school. There are 34 students included in this study. This includes five English Learners, thirteen students requiring intervention support, eight students on grade level, three above grade-level students who need enrichment, three students with IEPs, and two students with 504s. Technical: Students will use Google Classroom and Google Forms throughout this study. Students learned about Digital Citizenship through resources from Common Sense Media and Google's Be Internet Awesome. Students used Typing.com to aid in their support of keyboarding skills. Students used the math programs Prodigy, and Sumdog to support the Common Core math standards their lessons are aligned with. The range of users consists of beginning to advanced. Keeping high expectations brought success in this study. Growth has been celebrated at each level, not just by reaching proficiency. Students will need access to chrome books to access digital tools, small group settings, g suite applications, and peer collaboration time. Informational: The informational resources students used is the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum, math manipulatives, and positive growth mindset lessons. There is a gap between inquiry and mathematics. The students need knowledge of Arthur Costa’s Level’s of Questioning, and will receive a word list to help them identify Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 questions. Educational: Students received lessons from the Common Core Aligned math program "Bridges in Mathematics." Students used instructional strategies such as Think-Pair-Share, note-taking, higher-level questioning, growth mindset lessons, and student interviews. To design instruction for each individual student I have broken my content into small groups for math, and facilitated student conversations for students to use inquiry in mathematics. I have used a combination of direct instruction, small group intervention, small group core-instruction, and small group enrichment. Students participated in an in-class flipped model of learning. Students engaged in growth mindset lessons geared towards increasing their mindset, specifically in mathematics. Logo DesignFor my logo design process, I knew that I wanted to show three main components: mathematics, technology, and a growth mindset. I made sure to continually look at my Essential Question (How does implementing technology and a growth mindset increase student performance in the mathematics classroom?) throughout my design process. I wanted to have one color palate to represent the unified pieces of my capstone project. I found both an iPad and chrome book to represent technology, a chart to represent student growth, and a profile with mathematic symbols to represent a positive math mindset.
At first, I had only symbols without any writing. I decided that there needed to be a short phrase to further emphasize the meaning of my logo. This lead to, "Math, Tech, Growth Mindset." I liked it, but it still felt too generic and disconnected. I looked at my Essential Question again and came up with, "Fusing Math with Technology and a Growth Mindset." I felt like this phrase fully encompassed everything my project entailed. I needed to then narrow it down between the iPad or the computer. My students did their work on chrome books, so I decided to go with the computer. I also liked the rectangular clean look of the chrome book with the text centered below. This is how I came to my final logo design. |