How does implementing technology and a growth mindset increase student performance in the mathematics classroom?21st Century students now have more access to knowledge than at any other time because of technology. Teaching students about how to apply a Growth Mindset in mathematics leads to increased student perseverance and success. Implementing a growth mindset and technology in the mathematics classroom yielded the following results: increased student motivation, greater creativity shown in math, and increased student performance.
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Math, Technology, and a Growth MindsetWhy is it important to implement 21st Century Skills and and a Growth Mindset into the Mathematics Classroom?As teachers, how can we fuse math with technology and a growth mindset in order to yield higher results? These components are interconnected and necessary to help meet the individual needs of our students. We are teaching in the 21st century with students who have been raised in the digital age. Our teaching needs to grow and evolve to meet the needs of our students. These 21st century skills include creativity, innovation, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, character, and global citizenship.
Data proves that there is a need to develop strategies to increase student math scores. In 2018, fourth grade students scored lower in the area of Mathematics than in English Language Arts/Literacy on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). In Mathematics, 18.46% scored “Standard Exceeded”, 24.45% scored “Standard Met”, 30.81% scored “Standard Nearly Met”, and 26.27% scored “Standard Not Met” according to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) scores Reviewing these CAASPP results for the state, as well as my district, led me to focus on the area of mathematics. In addition to the data, I chose to focus on mathematics because I wanted to see my students become engaged and motivated in math, increase student performance, and develop innovative teaching techniques. I studied the most effective technology, growth mindset lessons, and CCSS aligned math curriculum to gain insight into how to increase quantifiable student growth in math. The content of this website is focused on answering this question: How does implementing technology and growth mindset increase student performance in the math classroom? |
Watch this video for an overview of my Capstone Project.
Rounds of Research
For my Capstone Project I first focused on using inquiry paired with a growth mindset to increase student performance. This is reflected in my first round of research. After learning about TPACK and new, innovative technology from my Touro classes, I made the switch from focusing on inquiry to focusing on technology (you can read more about this transition in my TPACK page and my About the Author page). Focusing on using technology and growth mindset lessons to support Common Core State Standard-aligned curriculum in the mathematics classroom became my second round of research. Continue reading for a further breakdown of my rounds of research.
Round 1
To begin this study, my students took a series of pre-tests. First, students took a pre-test from the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum entitled, “Multi-Digit Multiplication and Early Division.” Second, they completed a “Math Mindset” survey to identify their positive or negative thoughts surrounding mathematics. The questions on this survey were adapted from: “Positive Norms to Encourage in Math Class” by Jo Boaler. Third, students were given a “Math Inquiry” survey. The questions on this survey were adapted from Arthur Costa’s Three Levels of Questioning. After administering these three pre-tests, CCSS-aligned instruction focused on inquiry and a growth mindset began over the course of five weeks. After that, students took post-tests in these three areas. You can find these results on my Assessments page.
I read aloud, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak, and presented lessons that teach a positive math mindset. I showed the five-episode growth mindset series from Class Dojo. Class Dojo and Stanford University’s Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS) Research Center created these videos. They have built in activities that describe the power of using a growth mindset. This allowed time for students to collaborate and communicate with one another around this topic.
I modeled how to use inquiry within mathematics. This meant engaging the class in exploring, deciding on appropriate questions, and modeling ways to answer those questions. It also required me to be a facilitator who helped students connect the mathematical content with the study of inquiry. Students learned about “Level 1”, Level 2”, and “Level 3” questions from Arthur Costa’s Levels of Questioning, and how to identify those questions in the area of mathematics. Providing lessons about Costa’s Levels of Questioning provided students with the necessary information to take part in inquiry-based learning. Students learned how to identify questions as a “Level 1”, “Level 2”, or “Level 3” by finding key words that represent each level. For example, the words “sort”, “sequence”, “infer”, and “synthesize” are all words that fall in a “Level 2” category of questioning. In order to support students through this process, they received a list of words that fit into questioning levels 1, 2, or 3. Students cut and sorted these words into the correct categories in partner pairs. Student collaboration led students to discuss why they think each question belongs in the category they chose.
I transitioned from teaching a growth mindset in general, to focusing on teaching a growth mindset in mathematics. For example, a teacher can model a growth mindset by stating, “Wow, this problem will require a lot of steps to solve! I know we can do this by applying the strategies we learned from the previous lesson!” Other statements can be made such as, “I know we can figure out this solution after making this mistake. This is because mistakes grow our brain! Let’s try again.” I continued to model a positive math mindset throughout this round of research, and encouraged to students apply growth mindset strategies to their math lessons.
I read aloud, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak, and presented lessons that teach a positive math mindset. I showed the five-episode growth mindset series from Class Dojo. Class Dojo and Stanford University’s Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS) Research Center created these videos. They have built in activities that describe the power of using a growth mindset. This allowed time for students to collaborate and communicate with one another around this topic.
I modeled how to use inquiry within mathematics. This meant engaging the class in exploring, deciding on appropriate questions, and modeling ways to answer those questions. It also required me to be a facilitator who helped students connect the mathematical content with the study of inquiry. Students learned about “Level 1”, Level 2”, and “Level 3” questions from Arthur Costa’s Levels of Questioning, and how to identify those questions in the area of mathematics. Providing lessons about Costa’s Levels of Questioning provided students with the necessary information to take part in inquiry-based learning. Students learned how to identify questions as a “Level 1”, “Level 2”, or “Level 3” by finding key words that represent each level. For example, the words “sort”, “sequence”, “infer”, and “synthesize” are all words that fall in a “Level 2” category of questioning. In order to support students through this process, they received a list of words that fit into questioning levels 1, 2, or 3. Students cut and sorted these words into the correct categories in partner pairs. Student collaboration led students to discuss why they think each question belongs in the category they chose.
I transitioned from teaching a growth mindset in general, to focusing on teaching a growth mindset in mathematics. For example, a teacher can model a growth mindset by stating, “Wow, this problem will require a lot of steps to solve! I know we can do this by applying the strategies we learned from the previous lesson!” Other statements can be made such as, “I know we can figure out this solution after making this mistake. This is because mistakes grow our brain! Let’s try again.” I continued to model a positive math mindset throughout this round of research, and encouraged to students apply growth mindset strategies to their math lessons.
Round 2
Students continued their Common Core aligned math curriculum while receiving technology support and continued growth mindset lessons. Throughout this piece of my research, I conducted several rounds of research based on CCSS Standards, technology feedback forms, and growth mindset surveys. Look at my Assessments page to see this data.
I began with teaching digital citizenship through Google’s Be Internet Awesome. I then had students use programs like Prodigy, Khan Academy, and Sumdog to support student learning. You can read about student responses to these programs on my Assessments page. I used Google Classroom to assign videos and quizzes via Google Forms in order to get immediate student feedback and provide 1:1 support. This technology provided the opportunity to redesign/readjust student learning experiences based on student feedback. This allowed me to learn from my students and make sure I am reaching each student by individualizing instruction.
I created video content to put into Google Classroom for my students to use during small group rotations in class. I used these videos as part of an in-class flip model of teaching (you can find more about this on my Lessons page). All students took the same pre-test and post-test based on Fourth Grade Common Core State Standard 4.NBT.6. One half of the class, the In-Class Instruction Group, received lessons through direct instruction from me, the teacher. The other half of the class, the Technology Group, completed assignments with the support of teacher-created videos and CCSS-aligned videos assigned in Google Classroom. Post-test results showed that both groups led to an equal increase in student performance! BOTH groups had 71% of students score proficient or advanced. This was a 65% growth from the pre-test for students from the in-class instruction group, and a 59% growth from the students who were in the technology group. This proves that an in class-flipped model of teaching is effective.
Students continued to receive lessons focused on using a growth mindset. Additional books about using a Growth Mindset were read aloud to my students (you can find links to these on my References page). Students received Growth Mindset bracelets that they wore throughout the day (there is a link to these free, printable bracelets on my References page). These allowed students to focus on one positive phrase throughout the day, and then discuss how that phrase helped guide their day academically and socially. This allowed time for students to independently reflect and write, as well as collaborate and communicate as they shared their opinions. Students took additional surveys and provided feedback via Google Forms throughout this process. You can find these results on my Assessments page. Students continued to received CCSS aligned math curriculum from Bridges in Mathematics that the technology and growth mindset lessons were tailored to support throughout the duration of this round of research.
I began with teaching digital citizenship through Google’s Be Internet Awesome. I then had students use programs like Prodigy, Khan Academy, and Sumdog to support student learning. You can read about student responses to these programs on my Assessments page. I used Google Classroom to assign videos and quizzes via Google Forms in order to get immediate student feedback and provide 1:1 support. This technology provided the opportunity to redesign/readjust student learning experiences based on student feedback. This allowed me to learn from my students and make sure I am reaching each student by individualizing instruction.
I created video content to put into Google Classroom for my students to use during small group rotations in class. I used these videos as part of an in-class flip model of teaching (you can find more about this on my Lessons page). All students took the same pre-test and post-test based on Fourth Grade Common Core State Standard 4.NBT.6. One half of the class, the In-Class Instruction Group, received lessons through direct instruction from me, the teacher. The other half of the class, the Technology Group, completed assignments with the support of teacher-created videos and CCSS-aligned videos assigned in Google Classroom. Post-test results showed that both groups led to an equal increase in student performance! BOTH groups had 71% of students score proficient or advanced. This was a 65% growth from the pre-test for students from the in-class instruction group, and a 59% growth from the students who were in the technology group. This proves that an in class-flipped model of teaching is effective.
Students continued to receive lessons focused on using a growth mindset. Additional books about using a Growth Mindset were read aloud to my students (you can find links to these on my References page). Students received Growth Mindset bracelets that they wore throughout the day (there is a link to these free, printable bracelets on my References page). These allowed students to focus on one positive phrase throughout the day, and then discuss how that phrase helped guide their day academically and socially. This allowed time for students to independently reflect and write, as well as collaborate and communicate as they shared their opinions. Students took additional surveys and provided feedback via Google Forms throughout this process. You can find these results on my Assessments page. Students continued to received CCSS aligned math curriculum from Bridges in Mathematics that the technology and growth mindset lessons were tailored to support throughout the duration of this round of research.