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Does engagement affect achievement? In this study, the researcher investigated this topic through the use of a project based learning unit on Native Americans. The driving question was, What is the impact of a cross-curricular project based learning (PBL) on engagement of all students?. The researcher leveled the students by ability for reference, and conducted a self-assessment to determine their knowledge levels on the subject. The study included teacher instruction, as well as student research and student choice. Students had the opportunity through inquiry centers to explore the different regions of the American Indian. Students worked in small groups to create projects that represent the regions they wanted to investigate and concluded with individual projects to show their learning. Small group and individual projects were presented to an audience of their peers. A rubric was used for both self assessment and teacher assessment of projects and presentations. The researcher intended to show that with high levels of student engagement we can achieve high levels of student achievement across all ability levels.
To read more of my research paper, please click here Literature Review - Out of Our Minds, Ken Robinson