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I started the Touro University Master's of Education in Innovative Learning with the idea that I would write some papers, do a project or two and basically soak up a lot of information. I hoped to learn how to use technology in my classroom to better advantage. I learned that I would be focusing on a particular area of interest and that I would be creating part of this website with all that I learned. My area of interest was vocabulary and I began to think about how my material would fit on this website. And then, I watched Chris Anderson's video.
How One Video Changed Everything
Anderson’s video had a profound impact on me and the direction of my project. All at once I felt a shift in my thinking from my product as a bookshelf resource to my process as a point of light on a changing landscape. That landscape is the classroom or A classroom – maybe my classroom, maybe your classroom.
My feeling now is that my pages will be models and examples of something that is possible to do that addresses the problem of limited vocabulary for ELL students. My goal is to shine a light on these |
and examples of what is happening in my classroom and put it out
there for others to use in their own innovative process. In this way I see my project as organic, not static.
Here is what I would say to teachers visiting my page:
If you are inspired by and driven to innovate for ELL vocabulary expansion, here is something to look at. Shine your own light on it. Take what you will and let it inspire your desire to innovate. I hope you will put your models and examples out there for others – create a video, Tweet it, share it, and help move this idea forward.
Ghandi said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.”
Let’s change the world.
"Shift Happens" Image: thebetterplan.org
Here is what I would say to teachers visiting my page:
If you are inspired by and driven to innovate for ELL vocabulary expansion, here is something to look at. Shine your own light on it. Take what you will and let it inspire your desire to innovate. I hope you will put your models and examples out there for others – create a video, Tweet it, share it, and help move this idea forward.
Ghandi said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.”
Let’s change the world.
"Shift Happens" Image: thebetterplan.org