Personalized Learning Standards Saelee Home Learn More Standards Inspiration About the Author
Standards and Competencies
In the first round of my action research, I set out to investigate how developing metacognitive thinking skills might support critical thinking and lead to content mastery. The metacognitive instructional techniques I used were:
In the second round of my action research, I set out to investigate how I could leverage technology in order to differentiate and individualize instruction using a digital tool to support personalized learning. Students were expected to use a digital assessment tool called Khan Academy in order to complete assignments and master content so knowledge of appropriate technology use or digital citizenship and technical knowledge was required of the students. Standards Addressed Scroll down to see the specific standards addressed in this study. Click on the links to the right for the full standards. I. Common Core State Standards Mathematics Content are and Mathematical Practices: SCROLL the document above to view the full list of standards addressed.
II. Common Core State Standards English Language Arts & English Language Development Standards:
SCROLL the document above to view the full list of standards addressed.
III. ISTE Educational Technology Standards:
IV 21st Century Skills (4's):
Common Core State Standards
Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Science Practices 21st Century Skills - 4 C's
Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Creativity CLICK on the images above to enlarge