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Music Career Project
Students were divided into groups of four and choose two music careers to research. Upon completion of research, students presented their findings to the class via Prezi, a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool.
Student Examples of the Music Career Research Project
Music Genres Research Project
Students worked individually to create webpages using Weebly.com which featured their favorite music genres and artists. Upon completion of research, students presented their findings and websites to the class.
Student Examples of the Genre Research Project
Music and Lyric Composition Project
Using this free-online based music composition tool, students composed original songs and lyrics. Students performed these original songs in class once they were completed. *Please note: Students also had the option of composing their original songs using live instrumentation such as the piano/keyboard or guitar.*
Student Led Music Theory Instructional Modules
In groups or two-four, students chose an essential music theory topic such as learning note names of the treble clef, how to read note names in bass clef on the music staff, and accidentals: sharps, flats, and naturals. Students worked together to create, produce, direct, and record videos of themselves teaching these concepts to other beginning music students. This lesson served a dual purpose; engagement of students while retention of music theory takes place as students teach others the very same concepts learned in class. Please view each video and take the survey for the student led instructional modules that best applies to you!