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Building Standards to Accelerate Student Achievement
As Lucy Calkins states in Pathways to the Common Core, the goal with CCSS is clear, the pathway is not. The standards have been written, but there was no plan written for implementing them. That is both the beauty and the challenge of this sweeping educational reform. There is not right or wrong way to do it. It is up to the educators on the front lines of the classroom to be the implementers. The Common Core standards have the expectation that all students exit college & career ready, but what does that look like right now? Is that even possible, given the fact that we know that most of the jobs students will take on in their lives do not even exist yet? We don't have all of the answers, but we do know that teachers are changed with implementing and integrating a variety of standards and objectives into their daily coursework. As leaders, it is our responsibility to foster ongoing systems of continuous improvement that elevate the level of integration and make lifelong learning our business.