How Can I Make a Successful Standards Aligned Science Unit?
Especially considering all of the Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards that you are responsible for! Enter the Build-A-Unit Toolbox. It will provide you with the tools you need to design and implement a unit that is standards aligned, engaging, and based on current educational research.
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What is the Build-A-Unit Toolbox?The Toolbox is a series of tools and videos to help science educators make a standards aligned unit for their class.
This occurs in two main parts: 1. Select Your Standards A Google Form with embedded videos walks the user through choosing learning objectives from the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core Standards, School Wide Learning Outcomes (for New Technology Network schools), and the individual user's experience. The result is a Unit Plan Template, with the learning objectives filled in. 2. Build That Unit A series of resources to help the user take the learning objectives and, using backwards planning principles, design the rest of the unit. The result is a unit where every learning objective is taught, developed, and assessed. |
Build-A-Unit Toolbox from Alexander Saslow on Vimeo.