My inspiration for researching the influence of e-readers on struggling readers was the struggling and reluctant readers that I face each year in my class. I am proud of my skill as a teacher and especially as a reading teacher. My school district has provided one to one computers. For my 2nd grade classroom this means ipads. Currently there is no technology plan in the district and therefore the onus is on the individual teachers to decide how this new tool will be used in their classrooms. With the advent of this Master’s Program I realized that if I could harness a new tool to motivate my reluctant and struggling readers this would be a great addition to my reading program.
I don’t use technology for technology’s sake. There must be a good, no, a great and compelling reason to use a teaching tool or methodology in my classroom. As a second grade teacher my goal is quite clear cut - support my students in acquiring strong foundational skills.
As a reading teacher I, ultimately, want to instill a love of reading. If I can remove the barriers that get in a student’s way of becoming a reader then I have truly made a difference in their lives. They will be more successful in all subjects in school, and in the world and their imaginations will expand, possibilities become endless. It’s all true! Dr. Seuss said it best - The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.
Please click on the tabs to the right to look at my research and design process.