"I'm not good @ maths!"Despite being fed and adhering to the belief that there are maths people and non-maths people, there is a maths student within us all. Luckily, there is resounding call within and around public education to demystify mathematics and dispel antiquated notions that "it" is for a privileged few. Within this site is a glimpse into our journey at starting this process.
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ImpetusWhether an exhaustive Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study paper, a comparison of nations on the Programme for International Student Assessment, a reflection on California’s achievement on the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), or a local hyper-focus on everything maths, the message about maths achievement is resounding – the United States lags behind both East Asian and Northern European nations, California is in the bottom five of U.S. states, and good in the school district of the study is not, nor will it ever be, good enough. That said, maths is going through a rebirth with the release of Jo Boaler’s Mathematic Mindsets (2016) and youcubed.org, confronting dated notions that innate abilities dictate student achievement.