Design ProcessMy initial analysis stemmed from researching academic articles and statistics, which showcased the alarming number of general education students that score below or far below or are identified as not meeting standards. The statistics are even more alarming for students with special needs. This action research will consist of 10 male students diagnosed with moderate to severe special needs. The participates in this action research project originally consisted of ten students whose reading levels ranged from non-reader (Pre-Primer) to approximately third-grade reading level. However, the student that has the highest reading level did not participate in this project. The participates enrolled in my Life Skills or Transition Program classes. Currently, The Life Skills classroom is a Special Day Class, which consists of five sessions on Monday, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Wednesdays and Thursday's schedule includes 88-minute Block Periods. On Wednesday, students attend three periods (5th, 6h, and 7th), with ending their day participating in ACCESS. Thursdays students are attending periods one through four for a period of 88-minutes. I have designated one period for English Language Arts instruction. Two of the ten students are Caucasian; seven students are identified as English Language Learners, with Spanish as their native home language.
My audience for the action research project ranges from Special Education Specialists, Support Staff members to General Education teachers that provide English Language Arts Instruction for students. The innovative strategies, concepts, technological devices, apps, etc. shared can be used by all teachers. Specifically, teachers who provide ELA instruction for all students, exceptionally low achieving students, English Language Learners, and students with various learning disabilities (Special Learning Disability, Auditory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia, and others). Lastly, my audience consists of educational professionals who wish to ensure the educational learning environment is fully inclusive and consists of instruction that is differentiated to meet the instructional and learning needs of each student. |
Logo DesignI chose to design my logo the way I did to convey a student reading and comprehended what they are learning, which is symbolized by the lightbulb as if the student is having an "ah-ha" moment while reading. The color choices were choosing to be bright and cheery. Additionally, the icons used were intentionally placed outside of the "Box" area, as students who struggle with reading often do not learn from traditional teaching and learning methods. These students need "outside of the box" teaching practices, techniques, and access to innovative strategies and tools (technological devices).
Creation of Capstone
SITE Model - Initial AnalysisSample End User Profile |
The design process of the prototype illustration below starts in the middle and branches out. The middle serves as a foundation to build upon which branches outward to form cornerstones, which supports instruction, learning, and success. The various components within the prototype helped to develop an innovative classroom, engaging, motivating, and meets the individual learning styles and levels of each student through differentiation and use of various tools, strategies, and teaching methodologies.