Who were are my learners and what are their needs?
My learners are fourth and fifth grade students in a Title 1 elementary school. English being their second language, they have a need to increase their English literacy skills. Reading comprehension in California’s elementary schools have been maintaining a below average score. According to the NAEP, www.nationsreportcard.govCalifornia’s reading comprehension scores in 2015 were lower than the national average for reading comprehension in fourth grade: 6% advanced, 22% proficient, 31% basic, 41% below basic, compared to the national average at: 8% advanced, 27% proficient, 33% basic, 32% below basic.
The difference between the national average and California’s average is quite significant. Therefore, I found that I needed to find a way to help my students increase their literacy skills in the English language. I have some examples of the design process through this program that helped guide me towards my driving question.
Prototype Drawing
Logo The logo I created is of an owl and a wifi symbol. I selected a scholarly owl to represented education. The wifi symbol represents the digital age of education. I think that the logo is very kid-friendly, and easy to interpret. The making of the logo helped continue to guide me towards the design of the rest of my capstone.
Initial Capstone Brainstorm Video
Initial Analysis Document
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