Common Core State Standards
The ELA Standards are key when planning inclusive design driven lessons. Reading, Speaking and Listening, and Writing along with basic operations of a iPad give opportunity for students to engage in the curriculum.
In each collaborative group, students needed to be able to read and comprehend text information from grade appropriate resources, share out their thoughts and opinions while listening and giving feedback to others and write a detailed description of what the audience needed to know. Click on the image to view the Common Core California State Standards website
Common Core California State Standards:
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas(Grade 1)
RL7.-Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters setting or events.
Research to Build and Present Knowledge(Grade 2)
W7-Participate in shared research and writing projects to produce a report.
Comprehension and Collaboration
SL1-Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners with peers and adults in small and large groups.
b. build on others talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
c. ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.
Presenting of Knowledge and Ideas
SL5-Add drawing or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas(Grade 1)
RL7.-Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters setting or events.
Research to Build and Present Knowledge(Grade 2)
W7-Participate in shared research and writing projects to produce a report.
Comprehension and Collaboration
SL1-Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners with peers and adults in small and large groups.
b. build on others talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
c. ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.
Presenting of Knowledge and Ideas
SL5-Add drawing or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Click on the image to view the International Society for Technology in Education website
Technology Standards:
Basic Operations
-Use desktops, icons, windows and menus to open applications and documents.
Communication and Collaboration
W6-Work collaboratively online with other students under teacher supervision.
W6, W10-Use a variety of age appropriate technologies(eg. drawing program, presentation software) to communicate and exchange ideas.
W6, W10, SL2, SL5-Create projects that use text and various form of graphics, audio and video(with proper citations) to communicate ideas.
W6, W10, SL1-Use district approved web 2.0 tools for communication and collaboration.
Basic Operations
-Use desktops, icons, windows and menus to open applications and documents.
Communication and Collaboration
W6-Work collaboratively online with other students under teacher supervision.
W6, W10-Use a variety of age appropriate technologies(eg. drawing program, presentation software) to communicate and exchange ideas.
W6, W10, SL2, SL5-Create projects that use text and various form of graphics, audio and video(with proper citations) to communicate ideas.
W6, W10, SL1-Use district approved web 2.0 tools for communication and collaboration.