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Where the Journey BeganThe main reason I decided to commit to my current research topic was because last school year teaching first graders I really struggled with managing a class with such great behavioral issues from the brightest and most intelligent boys in the classroom. I had never experienced this problem before where it truly affected the classroom dynamic, the learning environment and what and how I taught. I knew I wasn't the only teacher dealing with this on some scale so I when I reached out I was given an abundance of worksheets, packets, busy work and early finisher games/activities unrelated to the curriculum that I was teaching. Most of them were also too easy so my students raced through it, too difficult so they were interrupting me working with the rest of the class to ask questions or too fun so their excitement was distracting other students. Either way it wasn't the a solution and I wanted more. Once I began exploring how to incorporate inclusive lesson design to activities and projects that I was already doing through Project Based Learning I began to see the results I wanted. The whole class working on various components to complete a common goal at the same set time appealed to me. It was not perfect but much better. |

Click on the image to visit my Blogs that discuss my thought around this issue