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Hello, My name is Serina TomSun and I am a teacher in Oakland, California. Last year in 2015, it was my very first year teaching. I had the pleasure to teach 95 amazing students and engage them in Science. It has been a dream come true to become a teacher. I remember when I was in 4th grade, I decided that I wanted to be a teacher. I attended Solano Community College in Fairfield,CA. From there, I was able to transfer to California State University Sacramento and graduated with a Liberal Studies degree in 2013. In order to become a teacher in California, I knew I had to enroll into a teaching credential program. I attended Touro University California for my credential. I had the pleasure to meet and work with amazing teachers from Sacramento, Vallejo and Oakland. My experience at Touro opened doors for me to explore the world of education.
I remember when I would tell people and other teachers how excited I was to one day have my own classroom and my own class. They would always respond with "Your first year will be your hardest," and everyone was RIGHT! So, I decided to enroll into the Innovative Learning Masters Program at Touro University.
I decided to pursue a project regarding implementing a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program into a community. I realized that the school where I landed my first teaching gig was in need of information on why device usage is useful for students. There was also a need for how to implement such a program in regards to your community, administration and school district.
I remember when I would tell people and other teachers how excited I was to one day have my own classroom and my own class. They would always respond with "Your first year will be your hardest," and everyone was RIGHT! So, I decided to enroll into the Innovative Learning Masters Program at Touro University.
I decided to pursue a project regarding implementing a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program into a community. I realized that the school where I landed my first teaching gig was in need of information on why device usage is useful for students. There was also a need for how to implement such a program in regards to your community, administration and school district.