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California State Standards
When California adopted the nationwide Common Core Standards (CCSS) in 2010 it implemented standards with higher rigor in both English Language Arts and Math. Along with the standards came a new way to assess them: the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System which was established on January 1, 2014. This assessment assesses performance on the CCSS and, for the English Learner, has some implications. A report by the Public Policy Institute of California (2016) concluded that fewer poor and English Learner students met the minimum perfromace on the Smarter Balance test. The report stated, “...the results for English Learner and economically disadvantaged students suggest that high-need students are further behind than educators may have thought.” (Download the full Report)
High need students are students who are either English Learners, economically disadvantaged, or in the foster care system. An achievement gap exists between what we call ‘high-needs students’ and other students. However, with these fairly new standards and new way to asses the standards, it is becoming more evident that the gap is only widening. “Achievement gaps between ELLs and non-ELL students are deeply rooted, pervasive, complex, and challenging. As a group, ELLs face some of the most pronounced achievement gaps of any student groups.” (http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/18021-Closing_Achve_Gap_backgrndr_7-FINAL.pdf)
High need students are students who are either English Learners, economically disadvantaged, or in the foster care system. An achievement gap exists between what we call ‘high-needs students’ and other students. However, with these fairly new standards and new way to asses the standards, it is becoming more evident that the gap is only widening. “Achievement gaps between ELLs and non-ELL students are deeply rooted, pervasive, complex, and challenging. As a group, ELLs face some of the most pronounced achievement gaps of any student groups.” (http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/18021-Closing_Achve_Gap_backgrndr_7-FINAL.pdf)