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What inspired this project?
This whole thing came from a desire to integrate technology with the student’s comprehension of their work. National and state reading comprehension scores have either remained stagnant or dropped in the last few years. Teaching in a poverty stricken area, many educators are left looking for ways to improve their students comprehension. I had just received a class set of computers and I decided that I wanted to incorporate more technology into my class. In short this site is my journey on how I learned to have more technology in my class.
At the core of this site is really my love for technology. It was amplified when I started working on my master's. I have found that I fall in a piacular place. Being an Xennial (a micro generation between Generation X and the Millennials) I have found that things digital come pretty easily. This in turn has fueled my desire to reach out and help others who I know need help. Thus, Techmate was born! |