Rubrics and other measures for Assessing Literacy and ComprehensionThis online reading program was used with my students. I did a case study on two students with special needs. The assessments in iRead placed them where they should start and I was able to observe their growth over time.
This graph was made from the data that iRead provided for each student. The child with the shorter posttest score was placed in another online reading program called Imagine Learning. This program was more suited for her level of learning.
Imagine Learning Assessment for online reading program
Ongoing Assessments The curriculum they need—with the data you needAs students begin the program, they complete an Initial Placement Test, which determines a developmentally appropriate (or grade-equivalent) starting point for instruction. As students work through their individualized learning pathway, ongoing user-friendly assessments gather data on predictive and evaluative checkpoints. These checkpoints determine which upcoming lessons and instructional support options are best for each student. Teachers may also enable tri-annual, third-party measures for students via the Reading Level Assessment (RLA) and the Annual Growth Test (AGT).
Question/Answer Interview Assessment- Below are the questions I asked my case study students as part of an oral assessment given.
1. What is your favorite part about iread/imagine learning? _______________________
2. What do you like about it? _______________________________________________
3. Was is your least favorite part? ____________________________________________
4. What do you not like about it?_____________________________________________
1. What is your favorite part about iread/imagine learning? _______________________
2. What do you like about it? _______________________________________________
3. Was is your least favorite part? ____________________________________________
4. What do you not like about it?_____________________________________________
Dibels website where student scores were entered.
These are the benchmark assessments I used for my students for each trimester. Beginning of the year, middle and end. I really like how this assessment measures I really like how this assessment measures progress. I saw growth in every student. It was really rewarding to see the growth in my special needs students that I did case studies on. My research showed that the technology and online reading programs they experienced helped them improve in their literacy and comprehension.
This is the Dibels Next Recommended Benchmark Goals rubric. The rubric is used to help teachers see the score that the students need to be at for for their grade level.
I found this rubric to be helpful for me when I had to compare it to my students scores. It was clear on which students were at grade level, approaching, below or exceeding.
I found this rubric to be helpful for me when I had to compare it to my students scores. It was clear on which students were at grade level, approaching, below or exceeding.
This is the Kindergarten rubric for literacy.
The rubric was teacher made and used
to assess for our report cards.
The rubric was teacher made and used
to assess for our report cards.