21st Century Learning and Workforce Readiness
According to the Partneship for 21st Century Learning (P21, 2002), rapid changes in technology and the globalization of the world’s economy have ensured that we need to do a better job of educating all our students in order to prepare them for success. 21st Century Skills are no longer just for the top tier, or just for those students headed to college, but essential for all students.
How do school libraries play a role in the 21st Century Workforce? The Partnership for 21st Century Learning encompasses many aspects of information and digital literacy that include access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools, and the ability to collaborate. Read more... Promoting interdisciplinary real-world problems through projects and learning experiences and taking advantage of rich information resources and rich technology tools will help prepare our students for life as an adult.
Click the graphic for information on how to prepare your students for the 21st Century Workforce from TeachThought.
Click the Above & Beyond graphic for more information on P21 and the Above & Beyond Campaign.
Reynolds, P. H. (2014). Above and Beyond [PDF]. Boston: Fablevision.
A great article -Why Connectivity Matters - from Getting Smart.
(Image courtesy of Google+)