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How to Create a Personalized Learning Environment
Personalized Learning means the learner is driving their learning. When the learner takes responsibility for their learning, teaching and learning changes. The roles of the teacher and learner change. Watch this VoiceThread to learn more...
A Digital Learning Center Initiative (Digital Learning Center for the Gifted - Scottsdale, AZ)
Case Study: The CCSS describe expectations for the history and social studies classes, suggesting that cross-curricular work is a positive aspect of a strong, active educational environment. As part of the 4th grade social studies curriculum, the school librarian and the 4th grade teachers wanted to create a research project about the 50 states that reinforced research, writing and speaking skills and was fun and engaging. The librarian and teachers brainstormed together and decided to have students use an approach where each pair of students would select one state. The guiding questions for each pair were: What makes this state a desirable place to live? What are the challenges people who live in this state face? The pair researched these two questions about their state using a research process guided by the school librarian and classroom teachers. Each pair of students prepared an oral presentation supported by an interactive digital poster or web page such as Glogster. Two pairs of students presented their states in a face-off. After each face-off, the 4th graders decided which state was most desirable to live in and which had the most challenges and why. Students recorded their votes using an online bulletin board program such as Padlet. After all states had been presented, the librarian and teachers led a class discussion. Theclass discussion revolved around two open-ended questions: Why is it important to have a wide variety of unique states and why? What would the U.S. be like if there were no 18 separate states, just one big country?
Taken from: Implementing the Common Core: The Role of the School Librarian
Taken from: Implementing the Common Core: The Role of the School Librarian