Do online collaborative activities between demographically diverse 5th-grade classes impact student empathy and cultural curiosity?For many children in the United States, authentic experiences with diverse populations are getting harder and harder to come by in their day-to-day lives.
But with the help of online collaborative resources, maybe we can reconnect for a better world and a brighter future for students. |
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Online connection for IRL success.The ability to connect, collaborate, and communicate with people from diverse cultural, social, and geographic backgrounds is vital to success in an increasingly globalized world.
At the same time, policy, social divisions, and the COVID-19 pandemic are making authentic in-person interaction between students with different experiences necessary to build the empathy and cultural curiosity needed to find that success increasingly rare. Fortunately, advances in technology and increasing access to that technology, the Internet, and the skills to use them present a potential opportunity to create and foster authentic interactions and expand cultural exposure via online collaboration. |