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Standards for World Language Teaching:
Educational standards have evolved over the last 9 or so years since the use of technology within our daily lives has grown and it has been shown that more personalized learning helps students learn better. I work at Justin-Siena High School which is a private school in Napa. At my school we focus on the ACFTL standards. (ACTFL stands for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.) ACFTL has recently joined with several other groups and produced the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. Please see my Common Core page for a link to the document containing these 5 C's together with an overview of the standards. Justin-Siena Faculty used the Understanding by Design process to unpack these standards as a means for backward design of our courses. Please click here to view our UBD's for French 1. Justin-Siena also has a teaching framework that educators at our school must adhere to which incorporates the ISTE standards.
Please click on the Justin-Siena Framework for Teaching document below to see it in a larger format:
The Justin-Siena Framework defines what I as an educator must do to best educate my students. With regard to instruction and assessment the standards that my research project covers are as follows:
Domain 3: a. Communicating with students c. Engaging students in learning d. Using assessment in instruction h. Connecting students to real-world applications of the material i. Facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity (ISTE) The World Language California State Standards state that <<we must provide students with opportunities to learn languages and cultures by participating in communicative interactions that prepare for real-world language use and global citizenship. Language learning needs to be a lifelong endeavor.>> Click on the picture to view the California State Standards. The World Language California State Standards can be broken down into Communication, Cultures and Connections:
Communication: Communication Standard 1: Interpretive Communication Communication Standard 2: Interpersonal Communication Communication Standard 3: Presentational Communication Communication Standard 4: Settings for Communication Communication Standard 5: Receptive Structures in Service of Communication Communication Standard 6: Productive Structures in Service of Communication Communication Standard 7: Language Comparisons in Service of Communication Cultures: Cultures Standard 1: Culturally Appropriate Interaction Cultures Standard 2: Cultural Products, Practices and Perspectives Cultures Standard 3: Cultural Comparisons Cultures Standard 4: Intercultural Influences The Connections Standards: Connections Standard 1: Connections to Other Disciplines Connections Standard 2: Diverse Perspectives and Distinctive Viewpoints In my research project students achieve Communication Standard 1 because they demonstrated understanding, interpreted and analyzed what was heard, read or viewed on a variety of topics from authentic texts, using technology. They chose an authentic song and had to analyze it and select key vocabulary words. Standard 2, Interpersonal Communication is also covered as students worked together, collaborated and shared information. This assignment also covered Communication Standard 3, as students presented their 15 key words to their class using Adobe Spark. Their presentations could also be viewed by the wider community. Communication Standards 5 and 6 are also covered since students had to understand their song and then also be able to use key words from it to be able to communicate the meanings of those words to others using the target language. Students also addressed the Connections Standard 1 as they expanded their knowledge of French music and presented that to other members of the community. |