Aligning the National Standards for Learning Languages with the
Common Core Standards
Effective language teaching and learning is a key component in our highly interconnected world. Global education and World Languages standards have a lot in common with our Common Core curriculum.
Both, the English Language Arts and World Languages standards aim to prepare our learners for the real life experiences of the 21st century. Ultimately, we want all students to succeed linguistically and culturally in our global economy and society. In order to achieve this, we must provide our students with the opportunity to communicate in a world language in addition to English. The “World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages” are also known by many foreign language teachers as the “5 C’s”. Those five “C's” goal areas are: Communication, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons, and Communities. Recently, the National Standards for Learning Languages were revised to reflect the current educational landscape and to be aligned with the CCSS for ELA. The four strands of the Common Core standards (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening) are reflected in the National Standards for Learning Languages by the three areas of the Communication standards: Interpersonal, Interpretative and Presentational. |