Project-Based Learning: Mathematics, Collaboration, and an Alternative School Setting
Joseph Williams Touro University California The motivation to transition to a Project Based Learning (PBL) focused classroom is that students have more connections with the curriculum because it builds off of ideas and content students are already familiar with and interact with within their daily lives. Project Based Learning takes on a greater importance because it builds on students individual strengths and allows them to explore their interests in the structure of a defined curriculum (Harada, 2008). Project based learning has been described as student-centered instruction that occurs over an extended time period, during which students select, plan, investigate and produce a product, presentation or performance that answers a real-world question or responds to an authentic challenge (Edmunds, 2017). To read more, open the SCRBD link below.
Literature ReviewEngaging Students in Group Based Co-Operative Learning - A Malaysian Perspective Mai Neo (2005)
Enacting Viewing Skills with Apps to Promote Collaborative Mathematics Learning Kay Yong, Khoo (2015) Middle School Students as Multimedia Designers: A Project-Based Learning Approach Min Liu and Yu-Ping Hsiao (2002) Building a Framework to Support Project-Based Collaborative Learning Experiences in an Asynchronous Learning Network Timothy J. Ellis and William Hafner (2008) PROJECT-BASED INSTRUCTION: A Review of the Literature on Effectiveness in Prekindergarten through 12th Grade Classrooms Margaret Holm (2011) |