Which tools help students to
feel empowered to
take on their own learning?
"at any point in time, a student should know where he or she stands in relation to the content on a proficiency scale. In service of these goals, teachers may engage students in using the proficiency scales in three ways:(1) reflecting on their current level of performance through the use of a student-friendly scale; (2) setting personal goals related to their own learning based on a proficiency scale; and (3) explaining how class activities and assignments relate to a proficiency scale."- Marazano Learn How to Learn Home Learn More Standards Inspiration About the Author |
Feeling Empowered is Assessment Capable
How does a teacher motivate students to become assessment capable learners? Must the teacher encourage, teach, convince students to become a learner who can asks for help when they get stuck on the content and not just on their motivation. In such a Utopian classroom, each student would need to know exactly where they are on the exact subject and standard being taught. What tools do we currently have to help students and teachers identify where they are in their learning? Do students know what the tool is or how to use it? Which tool would a student prefer to use and why?
Introduction Documentary
Background and Need
The district goal was to develop proficiency scales for all subject matter areas. The work began with math as it was determined to be the greatest area of need. All math leads, who are individuals who represent the math department at a secondary schools, came together and tried to find priority standards based on vertical alignment of standards drawn from the California Common Core.The definition of assessment capable learners from Hattie (2018) does not talk about grades. Thus, How does a teacher motivate students to become assessment capable learners?Must they encourage, teach, convince students to become a learner who only asks for help when they get stuck on the content. In such a utopian classroom, each student would need to know exactly where they are on the exact subject and standard being taught.For example, 7th grade math has 23 different standards. However, some standards have parts a,b,c,d,e, therefore the number of standards is much larger if each sub group were counted it would be 37 standards. Houghe’s (2018) research facility says that 15 standards are the maximum of what can be taught well. This is how the district decided to make “priority standards”. These 15 standards are those that are taught most rigorously, while the other standards still need to be taught but may not influence the rest of students’ mathematical career as much.
After the priority standards were determined, the team created proficiency scales. A pilot scale was developed for each grade level. Two versions of the scale were made available to teachers. One version is completely ready to go for a teacher to use in their classroom. The second version of the scale is completed enough to use but allows for teachers to customize the scale to their lesson.In spring of 2020, each teacher will pilot a math proficiency scale and give feedback on what worked well and what didn’t. They hope to assess how well the students performed using the scales: Were students able to use the proficiency scale to determine their current level of understanding in math? Can the use of proficiency scales help the district to be more consistent in assessing student performance?
After the priority standards were determined, the team created proficiency scales. A pilot scale was developed for each grade level. Two versions of the scale were made available to teachers. One version is completely ready to go for a teacher to use in their classroom. The second version of the scale is completed enough to use but allows for teachers to customize the scale to their lesson.In spring of 2020, each teacher will pilot a math proficiency scale and give feedback on what worked well and what didn’t. They hope to assess how well the students performed using the scales: Were students able to use the proficiency scale to determine their current level of understanding in math? Can the use of proficiency scales help the district to be more consistent in assessing student performance?