Quantitative Assessment: The Scholastic Reading Inventory, and the Scholastic Phonics Inventory, are the district standardized tests. Both tests offer important information about the overall comprehension and phonics of every student. At the beginning of this school year, each student took the Scholastic Reading Inventory test. The test is a reading comprehension assessment. The students will have the opportunity to take the test two more times, before the school year is finished. Three of the four students, also took the Scholastic Phonics Inventory test. This test is an Indicator for fluency and decoding status. These two tests are the technology based assessments that are used throughout the district.
Student #1 had a lexile growth of 11 points. The student started the year with a score of 619. The second test the student received a 630 lexile score.
Student #2 had an increase of 258 lexile reading points. The student started the school year with a 27 lexile score. At their second test, the student received a 285 score.
Student #3 increased their lexile by 66 points. The beginning of the year the student earned a 490 lexile score. On their second test, the student earned a 556 lexile score.
Student #4 is the only student who did not have an increase in their lexile score. The first test of the year the student received a 452 lexile score. At the second test, the student went down one point in their lexile score, ending with a 451.
Conclusions and Recommendations All four of the researcher’s English Language Learner students were able to complete the second round of their Scholastic Reading Inventory. The overall testing results are really encouraging. three out of the four students increased their scores. While the fourth student only decreased their score by one point. However, all four students were unable to complete their second round of their Scholastic Phonics Inventory.
Qualitative Assessment: The small group intervention is assessed throughout our meetings. Checking for understanding, verbal responses, and read aloud are different components to my small group assessments.
Using the Unit #5 Language Arts Benchmark Unit of study provided assessment, can be a useful tool during small group intervention.
Productive (Oral) Task Assessment Individual Checklist Name ___________